Request A Mass Intention

People eating around an outdoor grill for Kermes

What is a Mass intention?

A Mass intention is a specific prayer request offered by the presiding priest during Holy Mass and the Eucharistic sacrifice seeking God's grace and blessings for the prayer recipient.

This intention can be a personal request, such as the health of a loved one, the repose of a deceased person's soul, a special thanksgiving, or any other specific need or desire. The priest incorporates this intention into the prayers and intentions of the Mass, directing the spiritual energy of the ceremony toward the specified purpose.

What is a Mass Stipend?

A Mass stipend, also called a Mass offering, is a donation given to a priest or religious institution for the purpose of having a Mass celebrated for a specific intention, such as the well-being of a loved one or the soul of a deceased person.
The practice of offering a Mass stipend entails a monetary contribution that supports the church and its clergy while seeking divine intercession for the intended purpose during the Mass ceremony. Your Mass stipend is given to the priest who performs the Mass, serving as both a spiritual offering and a means of supporting his religious work and vocation.
Hamburgers on grill

How do I request a Mass intention?

To request a Mass intention, please fill out our online form and provide the following details.

  • What is your name, phone, and email?
  • Who or what is the Mass intention prayer for?
  • What is your relationship to the prayer recipient?
  • What is your preferred date for the intention prayer?
  • Do you want to receive a Mass intention card?

Mass intentions can be requested anonymously however, a valid phone number and email are required for us to schedule a Mass intention. We will only contact you if we require additional information or have questions about the provided details. Anonymous requests are treated with confidentiality. 

After your Mass intention request has been processed, we will send an email with the ability to offer the Mass stipend online. This email will be sent to the email address provided in the online form.

Request a Mass Intention

The first step in requesting a Mass intention is filling out our online form.